Friday, June 22, 2012

17 Juni 2012

Spent the morning in Nuremburg visiting a few churches and a castle before heading on our way to Munich. The climb to the top of the hill that the castle sat on was so worth the views once we got there!

After our short morning in Nuremburg, we headed to the Nazi Rally Party Grounds. These grounds were where a lot of Nazi architecture. The grounds contained pieces of architecture that are of an unbelievable size. The Nazis built things at such a large scale to show the people of the world how powerful they were and to seem even more influential. Everything the Nazis did was done to impress people and make them seem attractive. Someone once said that upon seeing Hitler speak, he wanted to be a Nazi for about five minutes. They were a very convincing group of people, especially when no one knew the horrors that they were doing right under everyone's noses. Our tour guide was the grandson of a Nazi, which made the tour even more interesting. Although he said he grandfather was never involved in any war crimes and that he was a good Nazi, his grandfather still refused to speak about what happened between 1933 and 1945. This seems to have been the trend with those generations. Those born after the war didn't know what had happened because everyone refused to speak about it. Those twelve years could've been lost in history if people would not have broken the trend and informed the future generations. It is said that they did so to help avoid something so horrible from happening again. If we are all well informed about the war and the Holocaust, we can prevent it from reoccurring.

Hitler the frustrated architect

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